Track your Pet’s Health in a Trusted Veterinary Clinic…

Are you concerned about your pet’s health? Our pets cannot complain about their ill health like us humans and therefore, it is best if you take them to a veterinary clinic on spotting any signs of poor health. However, with so many veterinarians available these days, how to find the one best for your pet? You must make an informed choice in this regard. Never settle for a doctor just because they are located only a few blocks away, do the necessary research to find a doctor who is good at their job of treating pets. A major consideration in this regard must include whether their clinic is well equipped with the necessary tools and services or not.

A Veterinary clinic in Dubai offers comprehensive services with regard to pet treatment and grooming will be your best choice as you can get your pet back in the perfect condition all at one place. Mentioned below is a list of services that must definitely be provided at a pet vet clinic for you to choose it.

1.           General health checkup. The physiology of animals differs from one to another and as such, to diagnose any health issues, performing a physical health checkup is the easiest possible way. The veterinarian that you choose must be highly skilled at conducting the proper physical examination and also at performing any tests that may be required. Make sure that the veterinary clinic has all the equipment necessary for these chores.

2.                 Diet and nutrition advice. Often times it so happens that pet owners are clueless about the food that they should provide their pets for their good health. Pets require a nutritional diet that would enhance their growth and strength. Every pet cannot consume every type of food. For instance, a dog suffering from kidney disorder would be prescribed protein-free renal food. This information about what food and supplements to provide for the pets is given to pet owners by vets. Every visit to a vet must include a discussion about your pet’s food intake habits.

3.                 Vaccinations. Vaccines are administered to pets at regular intervals all throughout their life. Every pet clinic must have easy availability of all common vaccines that pets require during the year. In this regard, veterinarian prepares a medical record card which has the details of all the vaccines that have already been given and others that are due in the months to come. Carry this record every time you go for a doctor’s visit with your pet and do remember to check it every month for pending vaccines.

4.                 X-Rays. As you must already be aware, x-rays are conducted to detect broken or damaged bones. If any such health concern goes unnoticed over a long period, it will eventually lead to bigger problems that may affect your pet for a long duration to come. A veterinary clinic must definitely have a properly working x-ray machine so that any and every kind of pet injuries can easily come to light.

5.                 Staff at the clinic. No matter how famous and skilled the doctor is, if the assisting staff is not up to the mark, pet owners will definitely face difficulty in getting their pet treated. Along with the doctor, their staff must also be competent enough at conducting various medical procedures because a single doctor cannot tend to ten pets all at once. Moreover, they should know how to properly handle the pets without providing them any discomfort.

Though finding a reliable veterinary clinic can be an overwhelming task, proper research can make it very easy. Refer to online sites to find a good pet vet clinic near you.        

Give your Pet a Disease-free Life at a Vaccination Center

Own a pet and want to give them the best life? Get them vaccinated! Vaccinations play a crucial role in maintaining the health of your pets and also prevent the infection from spreading among the members of your family. The cost of vaccination to prevent the disease is much lesser than what you would have to pay if your pet gets diagnosed with one of the severe infections. Without proper vaccinations, your pets remain prone to fatal infections and diseases. As a thumb of rule, you must regularly visit a vaccination centre for pets to keep your pet healthy.

How do the vaccines work for pets?

When your pets get vaccinated, their immunity system produces specials substances known as antibodies. These antibodies work against the disease-causing bacteria and viruses and can be regarded as the “fighters” of the body. What you must remember is that vaccines perform the function of prevention and not curing. If your pet is already sick when you decide to take them to a vaccination centre, vaccinating them will not help and is certainly not advised. Your pet must be healthy at the time of getting the vaccine so that their antibodies can be produced.

How often should you get your pets vaccinated?

The protection provided by antibodies as a result of the vaccination may decrease over time and as such regular re-vaccination is essential for continued protection. Such vaccines are termed “booster vaccines”; these vaccines are important to remind the immune system that it needs to produce protective antibodies for protection against bacteria or viruses that cause diseases and infections.

Diseases for which I should take my pet to a vaccination centre?

The pets are administered two types of vaccines for immunity against diseases- core vaccines and non-core vaccines. Core vaccines are given to all the pets all over the world because they provide protection against diseases that are widespread among pets and severely impact pet’s health. Non-core vaccines are usually given when a particular disease is commonly spreading in some region or when the circumstances are such that point towards the spreading of the disease. Non-core vaccinations can only be given after consulting an experienced veterinarian to learn about the risks involved.

  • Core vaccinations for dogs: Canine adenovirus infections, Canine distemper, Canine parvovirus infections, Rabies

  • Non-core vaccination for dogs: Kennel cough, Canine herpesvirus, Leptospirosis, Canine coronavirus

  • Core vaccinations for cats: Feline herpesvirus infections, Feline panleukopenia, Feline calicivirus infections, Rabies

  • Non-core vaccinations for cats: Feline leukaemia, Chlamydiosis, Feline immunodeficiency virus

In general, puppies require 3 initial vaccinations and kittens require 2. The best time for these vaccinations is at six, nine, and twelve weeks of age for puppies; and nine and twelve weeks of age for kittens. To avoid any unfortunate incident, do visit a vaccination centre for pets to properly immunize your pets.

Give Good Care to Your Furry Friends They Deserve Through Pets Emergency Care!

We never know what tomorrow brings. We can never be sure that tomorrow will be a pleasant morning. Misfortune may come at anytime. Accidents are never welcome but it does befall. When a medical emergency happens to our furry friends, pet parents are left with no enough time to make rational decisions and seek for the Pets emergency care. Therefore, it is crucial that you already have an emergency plan in place before the need arises. 

Find 24-hour emergency care for your pet -
The best thing you can do to be emergency ready is to look for a pet clinic that provides round the clock service. Ask your veterinarian about an emergency protocol. Does he provide 24-hour service or work with an emergency clinic in the area? Whatever the answer, be clear on it so that at the time of emergency you may not get panic and know where you have to go. It is also a smart idea to keep the name, number and address of your local pet clinic tacked to the refrigerator or stored in your cell phone for easy access.

Signs your pet may need emergency care -
If there is any evident misery with your pet, you can instantly identify he/she requires the medical care but sometimes, the need is not obvious but your pet is in dire need of getting the emergency care. They might be in severe trauma caused by an accident or fall—heatstroke, choking, an insect sting, household poisoning or other life-threatening situation.
Here are some signs that emergency care is needed:
·         * Weak or rapid pulse
·         *Change in body temperature
·          Pale gums
·         Rapid breathing
·         Difficulty standing
·         Apparent paralysis
·         Excessive bleeding
·         Loss of consciousness
·         Seizures

First aid treatments for your loving pets –
Most emergencies require immediate veterinary care, but if the situation is not so serious, you can also try giving them the first aid methods or if the situation is too severe, in that case also first aid treatments will help you stabilize the condition of your pet.

·         If your pet is choking, place your fingers in his mouth to make sure if you can remove the blockage.
·         If your pet is suffering from external bleeding, try elevating and applying pressure to the wound.
·         Performing CPR on your pet may be necessary if your pet remains unconscious after you have removed the choking object.

Next Step is to take him to the pet clinic -
Pets who are going through the chronic pain may act aggressively toward their pet parents. So, before you take any step in giving them the care and medicine, first protect yourself properly so that they may not inure you. Once you feel confident and safe transporting your pet, take them to an emergency care facility and let the vet give them the good care they deserve.

Effective Tips to Choose the Right Pet Treatment Clinic

Your pets are the most loved members of your family. They make you feel happy and loved with their unconditional affection and love, and you would never want to see them suffer in any manner. Pets need a lot of care, but only feeding them and keeping them comfortable at home is not really enough. Along with an abundance of love and affection, they need a proper diet, exercise regimes, as well as regular visits to the vet. Just like a human being, they also fall sick and are prone to all kinds of diseases that have to be taken care of with a prompt visit to the right pet treatment clinic

However, this task is not at all easy as it looks like. Finding the right treatment clinic for your pet is usually a tough task because, like many people, you also aren’t familiar with the distinguishing services and features of a good pet treatment clinic. 

How to choose the right pet treatment clinic?

As there are many pet clinics available, choosing the best one is obviously very confusing, but with the help of the given considerations, it can become easier for you to choose the right clinic for your furry friend. 

Here are some considerations to keep in mind while choosing the ideal clinic for your pet. 

1.    Consider good references:

Getting references from your friends and relatives who have pets at their home are usually a good start. Try to get references from them about pet clinics which are nearby your area. Besides, if you have just moved to a new place, and don’t know anyone then a great place to start your search is the nearby pet mart or shop. They’ll be able to provide you with good referrals of pet clinics in your town.

2.    Go online:
Mostly all the pet clinics these days, have their own website and other pages on which all the important details about the clinic, its timings, veterinary doctors etc. are provided for the viewers. You should try to seek as much information as you can from the website before you decide on visiting. Other than the websites, you can even take help from forums, magazines, local publications, yellow pages etc. 

3.    Check how the clinic operates:

When you’ve done a bit of research and shortlisted some of the clinics you feel are good, call them personally and speak to the receptionist. Ask questions about the timings of the clinic, emergency services, overnight care practices, treatments available and other important things that are associated with the clinic. This is the best way to communicate with a staff member of that clinic and to determine how well knowledgeable and professional they are. 

4.    Visit each clinic you’ve shortlisted:

Referrals and communicating on the phone cannot replace paying a visit to the clinic itself. When you know the insight of some of the selected pet treatment clinics, make appointments to meet the veterinary doctors available there. Schedule your time out with the vet and talk about their experience and the services they offer. 

Picking the right pet treatment clinic is undoubtedly a difficult task, but by considering all these points, you’ll definitely be able to choose the best clinic for your pet. Once you’ve identified the right treatment clinic, schedule your appointment and take your pet to the clinic.

Are you a pet owner? Learn how you can take the best care of your little friend.

For their owners, pets are family and they want to leave no stone unturned in taking good care of their pets. To this end, the pet treatments have gotten better over time. Veterinarians now have the latest equipment and technologies handy for their procedures.

Common Health Issues In Pets

Pets are commonly affected by intestinal parasites. It is advised to get a course for prevention done for your pet at least once or twice every year. Vets can readily check whether your pet is infected or not through a fecal check. Such infections are mostly caused by Whipworms, Roundworms, Hookworms, and Tapeworms. The common symptoms of this infection are evident through the behavior, such as loss of appetite, loose motions, a decline in activity. On detection of infection and the type of worm causing it, suitable treatment can be initiated.

In a few cases, the pet gets infected with Giardiasis, Amebiasis, or Toxoplasmosis. Such infections seriously affect the immunity of the pet. There are certain infections that can also be transmitted to humans via their pets, such as strep throat, cat scratch fever, salmonella, or scabies. In such a case, both owners and their pets need to be treated simultaneously to prevent recurrence.

Another area of concern with regard to pet treatments is dental care. Reports show that as much as 3/4th population of cats and dogs have infections in their teeth by the time they turn three. This may come as a shock but yes, dental infections can have serious implications on the heart, lungs, and kidney. At pet treatment clinic, the veterinarian performs oral examinations, regular teeth cleaning, scaling, polishing, and a host of other treatments to ensure your pet’s teeth stay in perfect condition.

Today, a wide range of products are available in the market to ensure the well-being of your pets. There are the energy-boosting tonics, tick shampoos, ointments for skin infections, and capsules and syrups for a hoard of medical conditions. You must consult a reliable veterinarian and take your pets regular to their clinic for treatment. Also, health care insurance plans are now available for pets as well which can cover you in those times when your pet is facing some serious medical condition.

How to Find the Right Clinic?

Finding a reliable pet treatment clinic can be a cumbersome job especially if you are a new owner of the pet. However, through proper analysis and good references, it should not be that difficult a job. Enquiring about a clinic in a store offering pet products is one way through which you can get a good reference.

These days all reputed clinics have come up with their websites, though there might be a good clinic which does not show up over the net. The best way is to find as much information as you can through the magazines, the internet, forums, etc before coming to any conclusion.

Once you do finalize a clinic, you must pay them a visit to get to know the kind of services and treatments they are offering. Here, you should make a note of certain basics such as doctor’s certification, license, and experience; cleanliness; pet handling; etc.

Additionally, you can check if pet wellness products are offered at this clinic or not. The clinic should be affordable but at the same time, the quality should not be compromised. 

Choosing a Pet Dental Expert in Dubai

Like humans, dental health is also crucial part of overall health of your pet. It is important to note that dental problems can be caused by, or can cause other health problems in pets.  So a proper care for a good dental health of your pet is very crucial. It is important that the gums and teeth of your pet should be checked regularly by a pet doctor who is expert in dental treatment for pet.

Note that Pet dental services are offered by a professional veterinary dentist who is certified by the competent authority and registered to practice as a pet doctor. A certified pet doctor is trained to offer services such as repair, extraction, filing, adjustment and cleaning of pet teeth, and generally all the other oral health care elements.

In some cases, a complex procedure is needed to be done. So in that case, you should look for pet dentist who is either associated with a dental clinic for pet or has their own clinic equipped with state-the-art infrastructure needed for doing a complex procedure. Make sure, the dentist you want to hire follow the guidelines and rules set by the state boards. There are many pet doctors who provide pet care services but do not have a facility set up in line with the standards required.

The process should start with oral examination of the mouth of your pet. X-rays is required if there is a problem in tooth roots and jaw below gum line. Because.  It is not possible for the vegetarian to see what the problem is in fact.

The process used for pet dental cleaning involves scaling the teeth to remove tartar and dental plague. It also includes polishing the teeth, as it happens in the human dental cleanings.
When you need to visit a pent dentist?

Though you should do this on a regular basis, however, there are some signs and when you see those signs, you need immediately see a pet doctor specialized in the problem. Below are some crucial signs:

  • ·         Loose or broken teeth.
  • ·         Bad breath.
  • ·         Teeth covered in tartar or discolored.
  • ·         Abnormal drooling, chewing or dropping of food from mouth.
  • ·         Refusal to eat or reduced appetite.
  • ·         Pain around or in the mouth.
  • ·         Bleeding from mouth.
  • ·         Swelling in the areas which surround the mouth.
Some pets, such as cats tend to become irritable when having dental problems. So when your pet is doing like that, this means you need to visit a doctor. 

Note that, many people try to treat the problem themselves. Never do that. This might results in the problem more aggravated. The best way is consult a pet doctor.
The prevention is better than cure. And this is true here also. So instead of waiting for the symptoms to show up, it is better for you to regularly visit a pet doctor and get crucial tests done to ensure your pet is healthy.

Track your Pet’s Health in a Trusted Veterinary Clinic…

Are you concerned about your pet’s health? Our pets cannot complain about their ill health like us humans and therefore, it is best if yo...