Give your Pet a Disease-free Life at a Vaccination Center

Own a pet and want to give them the best life? Get them vaccinated! Vaccinations play a crucial role in maintaining the health of your pets and also prevent the infection from spreading among the members of your family. The cost of vaccination to prevent the disease is much lesser than what you would have to pay if your pet gets diagnosed with one of the severe infections. Without proper vaccinations, your pets remain prone to fatal infections and diseases. As a thumb of rule, you must regularly visit a vaccination centre for pets to keep your pet healthy.

How do the vaccines work for pets?

When your pets get vaccinated, their immunity system produces specials substances known as antibodies. These antibodies work against the disease-causing bacteria and viruses and can be regarded as the “fighters” of the body. What you must remember is that vaccines perform the function of prevention and not curing. If your pet is already sick when you decide to take them to a vaccination centre, vaccinating them will not help and is certainly not advised. Your pet must be healthy at the time of getting the vaccine so that their antibodies can be produced.

How often should you get your pets vaccinated?

The protection provided by antibodies as a result of the vaccination may decrease over time and as such regular re-vaccination is essential for continued protection. Such vaccines are termed “booster vaccines”; these vaccines are important to remind the immune system that it needs to produce protective antibodies for protection against bacteria or viruses that cause diseases and infections.

Diseases for which I should take my pet to a vaccination centre?

The pets are administered two types of vaccines for immunity against diseases- core vaccines and non-core vaccines. Core vaccines are given to all the pets all over the world because they provide protection against diseases that are widespread among pets and severely impact pet’s health. Non-core vaccines are usually given when a particular disease is commonly spreading in some region or when the circumstances are such that point towards the spreading of the disease. Non-core vaccinations can only be given after consulting an experienced veterinarian to learn about the risks involved.

  • Core vaccinations for dogs: Canine adenovirus infections, Canine distemper, Canine parvovirus infections, Rabies

  • Non-core vaccination for dogs: Kennel cough, Canine herpesvirus, Leptospirosis, Canine coronavirus

  • Core vaccinations for cats: Feline herpesvirus infections, Feline panleukopenia, Feline calicivirus infections, Rabies

  • Non-core vaccinations for cats: Feline leukaemia, Chlamydiosis, Feline immunodeficiency virus

In general, puppies require 3 initial vaccinations and kittens require 2. The best time for these vaccinations is at six, nine, and twelve weeks of age for puppies; and nine and twelve weeks of age for kittens. To avoid any unfortunate incident, do visit a vaccination centre for pets to properly immunize your pets.

Give Good Care to Your Furry Friends They Deserve Through Pets Emergency Care!

We never know what tomorrow brings. We can never be sure that tomorrow will be a pleasant morning. Misfortune may come at anytime. Accidents are never welcome but it does befall. When a medical emergency happens to our furry friends, pet parents are left with no enough time to make rational decisions and seek for the Pets emergency care. Therefore, it is crucial that you already have an emergency plan in place before the need arises. 

Find 24-hour emergency care for your pet -
The best thing you can do to be emergency ready is to look for a pet clinic that provides round the clock service. Ask your veterinarian about an emergency protocol. Does he provide 24-hour service or work with an emergency clinic in the area? Whatever the answer, be clear on it so that at the time of emergency you may not get panic and know where you have to go. It is also a smart idea to keep the name, number and address of your local pet clinic tacked to the refrigerator or stored in your cell phone for easy access.

Signs your pet may need emergency care -
If there is any evident misery with your pet, you can instantly identify he/she requires the medical care but sometimes, the need is not obvious but your pet is in dire need of getting the emergency care. They might be in severe trauma caused by an accident or fall—heatstroke, choking, an insect sting, household poisoning or other life-threatening situation.
Here are some signs that emergency care is needed:
·         * Weak or rapid pulse
·         *Change in body temperature
·          Pale gums
·         Rapid breathing
·         Difficulty standing
·         Apparent paralysis
·         Excessive bleeding
·         Loss of consciousness
·         Seizures

First aid treatments for your loving pets –
Most emergencies require immediate veterinary care, but if the situation is not so serious, you can also try giving them the first aid methods or if the situation is too severe, in that case also first aid treatments will help you stabilize the condition of your pet.

·         If your pet is choking, place your fingers in his mouth to make sure if you can remove the blockage.
·         If your pet is suffering from external bleeding, try elevating and applying pressure to the wound.
·         Performing CPR on your pet may be necessary if your pet remains unconscious after you have removed the choking object.

Next Step is to take him to the pet clinic -
Pets who are going through the chronic pain may act aggressively toward their pet parents. So, before you take any step in giving them the care and medicine, first protect yourself properly so that they may not inure you. Once you feel confident and safe transporting your pet, take them to an emergency care facility and let the vet give them the good care they deserve.

Track your Pet’s Health in a Trusted Veterinary Clinic…

Are you concerned about your pet’s health? Our pets cannot complain about their ill health like us humans and therefore, it is best if yo...